Biofuels Digest: Then and Now: 120 Bioeconomy Pioneers look at yesterday, today, inspirations and challenges – John Campbell

July 27, 2017 | By Jim Lane Then: I was working for AGP. We had built the first dedicated biodiesel plant in North America at Sergeant Bluff, Iowa, alongside our soybean crushing plant [...]


Food and Beverage Mergers and Acquisitions Banker Joins Ocean Park

April 3, 2017 – New York investment banker Suresh Varadarajan has joined Ocean Park, helping the boutique investment bank expand its food and beverage industry expertise and giving the company a [...]


BioFuels Journal: 2016: Another Strong Year for Biofuels M&A

January 25, 2017 | By Bruce Comer For the second straight year, the North American biofuels industry experienced year-over-year growth in M&A transactions. In 2016, there were 12 M&A [...]


Ethanol Producer Magazine: A Few Reasonable RIN Ideas

December 21, 2016 | By John Campbell While the petroleum industry remains divided over the question of moving the point of obligation for compliance with the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) from [...]


Launch of Ocean Park Website

December 13, 2016 – Ocean Park is pleased to announce the launch of its new website: www.oceanpk.com. As a reminder, our firm’s email addresses have also been changed to the @oceanpk.com [...]


Ocean Park Advises on $48.5M Sale of Abengoa’s Cellulosic Ethanol Plant

December 9, 2016 – Abengoa Bioenergy Biomass of Kansas (“Abengoa”) closed the $48.5M sale of its cellulosic ethanol plant located in Hugoton, Kansas to Synata Bio, a renewable energy company who [...]


Biodiesel Magazine: M&A Transactions Help Define Current US Biodiesel Era

October 21, 2016 | By Ron Kotrba For better or worse, the U.S. biodiesel industry continues to consolidate. While 2014-’15 has been a rough period in the sector, the fallout has presented [...]


Ocean Park Advises Virent on Sale to Tesoro

October 5, 2016 – Virent, Inc. (“Virent”) announced that it has closed on its strategic sale to Tesoro Corporation (“Tesoro”). Ocean Park acted as exclusive financial [...]


Launch of Ocean Park Securities

October 3, 2016 – Ocean Park is pleased to announce the launch of its own proprietary broker-dealer Ocean Park Securities, LLC. Please note that our email addresses are now @oceanpk.com, [...]


American Airlines: American Airlines Hires Ocean Park to Assist With Renewable Jet Fuel Evaluation

September 28, 2016 – American Airlines announced today that it has retained Ocean Park, a boutique investment bank with expertise in the renewable fuels industry, to assist with evaluating [...]